Alaina's is only one of thousands of neural retraining recovery stories. I encourage anyone who has a condition that persists, despite ongoing treatments, to consider some form of a brain-mind-body approach. This can be done in addition to – or even in place of – whatever treatments you have already tried.

More Recovery Stories

NOTE: Through this journey, I have come to realize that testimonials can actually be triggering when you’re still sick. As the caregiver, they gave me much hope. But for Alaina, at the time when she was so sick and in so much pain, she was actually often angered by them. Here is what she says about them now that she is on the other side.

Ashok Gupta's story.

In this video Ashok Gupta outlines his personal journey with the debilitating effects of ME/CFS that he experienced while a university student, and his subsequent recovery that laid the foundation for the Gupta Program. While the materials associated with the Gupta Program tend to highlight ME/CFS [Chronic Fatigue Syndrome], MCS [Multiple Chemical Sensitivity] and FIBROMYALGIA, the techniques are applicable for a host of chronic conditions and illnesses, including Long Covid.

Dr. Joe Mather's story.

In this video Ashok Gupta interviews Joe Mather, MD, MPH and former medical director for the Ruscio Institute of Functional Medicine. He now heads his own functional medical practice in New Orleans. Dr. Mather suffered from Mold Illness and related conditions, and healed himself through a neuroplastic approach.

Dr. Alicia Batson's story.

In this interview with John Stracks, MD double board certified physician Alicia Batson, MD discusses her own journey with debilitating chronic pain and other conditions that sidelined her career for nearly ten years.

Dr. Cynthia Li's story.

In this interview with Mark Hyman, MD Cynthia Li, MD shares her personal journey through debilitating autoimmunity and the realization that her symptoms had deeper meaning.

Annie Hopper's story.

In this video Annie Hopper outlines her personal journey into chronic illness [MCS, EHS, Fibromyalgia and more] triggered by a car accident and then mold exposure, and her subsequent recovery that laid the foundation for DNRS. She also highlights several academic research studies currently underway. [Helsinki, Finland – June 2018]

A truly amazing recovery story IN ACTION.

“What On Earth Is Going On?: An Undeniable Truth” (47:16) – This powerful documentary was conceived and directed by a Norwegian filmmaker who, like me, is the mother of a young woman who experienced a “miraculous” recovery from chronic illness initially brought on by the mono virus. She felt so moved by her daughter’s health journey that she sought a way to demonstrate the hope for healing that neural retraining can offer. She received permission to follow a 27-year-old German man who was so ill with ME/CFS and other conditions that he was bedridden and being cared for in a nursing facility, but who was then helped by a Lightening Process coach. You can see his progress from being bedridden, in the dark and in a hopeless state of ill health … to being able to tolerate light, sound and food again … to being able to run and play with his young daughter … all over the course of only days, weeks and months.  [Filmed and edited: Randi Størseth, doc-art, Trondheim, Norway]

Additional Testimonials from Everyday People:

 GUPTA recovery stories, covering everything from Long Covid to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [CFS] to severe Fibromyalgia.

 DNRS recovery stories, covering everything from Long Covid to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity [MCS] to Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome [POTS]. 

re-origin recovery stories, covering everything from Lyme Disease to severe insomnia to depression and anxiety.

Finally ... more personal stories closer to home.

As is often the case when adversity strikes, there are silver linings. Alaina’s illness is no exception. So far, there are several friends & family members who have experienced turnarounds in their health thanks to hearing about Alaina’s experience. I have received text messages saying “it’s like a miracle” more than once. Our own family feels that way every day. I hope that by sharing Alaina’s story in more detail, hers will become one of the MANY inspiring stories that are now out there about the power of neuroplasticity and neural retraining. 

Here are a few of those “close to home” success stories:

  • My longtime friend, JANEovercoming chronic headaches, dizziness, debilitating exhaustion, digestive issues, acute sensitivity to sound and heat, Raynaud’s and POTS
  • MEtaming my lifelong fear of flying
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